Special-Need and Autistic Dental Patients

Parents of autistic and other special-needs children face many challenges; one of them should not be finding good dental care. The truth is that almost all dentists are not experienced in treating these patients. Options for the parents are few and far between. If an appropriate dentist is found wait times can be many months, allowing dental problems to get progressively worst. Parents and children suffer.
I would like to spread the news that my wife Dr. Kathleen has decades of experience in dealing with special-needs children and adults. She uses a wide range of skills and techniques and, if necessary or desired, a full range of sedation options. Sedation ranging from oral sedatives to nitrous oxide, all the way up to full general anesthesia with our MD Anesthesiology team. General anesthesia can often be a Godsend for these kids. Come in, go to sleep in mom or dad’s arms, get all of their dental needs handled at one time, and wake back in the parents arms, with zero trauma or any memory of the dental treatment.
Plus, we can typically see these autistic and special-needs kids within a matter of weeks, not months, greatly decreasing pain, infection, and school absenteeism. If you know of any special needs kids, families, struggling to find good, experienced, compassionate, dental professional help, please have them call and request a consultation with Dr. Kathleen.